I Am At War

I think of myself as pretty non-confrontational. I even attended a Quaker university, but I am in a war with the pesky little tiny miniscule ants that seem to come out of nowhere. They are not like the ants we had in our bathroom in California, they are nothing like the ants that you find on your garden path. These ants are magic. One min you look and your apartment is an ant free peaceful place, next second they are everywhere. These small as a ground of coffee but white not black little buggers. (wait, just a sec they are back)

Okay, I am seriously in need of a new plan of attack. I have done everything that I can think of short of set the place on fire. I have smashed them to smithereens, taken out the trash at least once a day, sometimes 2-3 times a day. I keep all my food in Ziplock bags in a drawer or in the fridge. I have wiped the counter with bug repellent, don't worry that did nothing I wiped it down again before food prep. (of which there is really very little), I have warned them, I have stomped on them, I have sent Miss. K on a killing spree with my flip flop in hand, I sweep daily (if not more) and I have washed my floors with bleach.

So, my internet friends, my blog reading buddies...what is a gal to do?  How do I rid myself of these pesky creatures? I know they are harmless, this is not the point. The point is they have invaded my home and I want them gone.

The other insects have gotten the message loud and clear, maybe they saw what a good aim I was when I hurled my flip flop at the ceiling to kill a spider and got him on the first try, or perhaps they saw when I smashed the mosquito with my bare hands. Whatever, it was all the other bugs have all but given up. But not these infuriating ants, no, they have invaded the bathroom, and the livingroom and I am not giving up the bedroom.

I would show you a picture, but my camera is not a microscope. and really I am sure you get the picture that I have painted for you. Now who is going to come to my rescue and offer up a battle plan?!


  1. Ugh! Ants are so pesky! I'm not familiar with Bolivian ants. But for California Mountain ants (not sure of actual species name), once I've eliminated any food they might be after, I've found some success with vinegar water and cinnamon. I make a batch of 50/50 water/white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray down any ants I see, (I hear Windex works too). Then I sprinkle ground cinnamon wherever I've seen them edges of counters, windowsill, near entrance etc. Usually takes two or three days but they seem to be gone. Then I wipe up the cinnamon. Repeat as needed. I did this once in the early spring and in process right now. Hugs! Hope you are ant free soon! :)

    1. Yes, I have heard now from a number of people that sprinkling cinnamon works well. I went and got some, and it seems to be helping!


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