Forty, Fit & Fabulous

We interrupt this blog to announce that yours truly will be turning the big 4-0 in just less than six months. June, 24th in case you like specifics or love to give gifts. That's right somehow my 30's flewby and here I am in disbelief that I am somehow really just about to be 40. 

Not unlike many before me, I see this birthday as a big milestone of sorts. I am not dreading forty as some do, but I have come to realize that I have some goals that I would like to achieve before I am "over the hill."

As I was sweating during my first workout in to long a mantra of sorts popped into my head and as I walked speedily along three little words replayed again and again in my mind. The more they repeated themselves the more I realized that these 3 words summed up nicely what I hope to attain as a gift to myself this year. Forty, Fit and Fabulous. (Okay so it is 4 words, but and doesn't really count.)

Not only will I turn 40 I have set a goal to loose 40lbs by that fateful day in June. Not so I will be skinny, but so I can be fit. I previously promised my post child birth self that by the time my kid entered Kindergarten I would be a fit mom. That day has come and gone, but I can give up or I can reach (my word for 2020) for this new goal and hit it before she starts 1st grade. I choose to let go of my failure and reach.

2020  Visionboard "reach"
 The bigger stretch for me is the last word in my new mantra, fabulous. First of all I guess I need to define what I mean when O use that word, because the first thing that pops to mind are ladies dressed up in oversized hats and sunglasses sipping martinis, and while that does sound appealing, it is not what I am aiming for. What I want is to be fully comfortable in who I am and the life I am living. To be that woman who oozes self confidence but who is somehow still humble at the sametime. Someone who speaks her truth but with grace and wisdom. That my friends is my idea of fabulous.

So, why tell you? Because I believe that reaching out to my community of friends and telling you my goal, not so much a New Year's goal but rather the end of a decade goal will help keep me reaching towards my dreams and keep me accountable.  Below is my after workout sweaty self. I made my kid document the moment so when June roles around I will be able to look back and the look at myself and see
just how amazing it is to be Forty, Fit and Fabulous!


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