Home Again

As weird as it was to leave home, it is to be back home. It is nice though, to return to the familiar.  I have missed our routines. Since mid October when everything here in Bolivia turned on it's head there has been nothing we could count on. As a friend shared this morning, it was very unsettling to not know what each day would hold.

The sense of not being in control of anything left many turning to God as The Rock they could cling to in the midst of the storm of uncertainty. As I have mentioned, (in prior posts)witnessing a country turn to God in desperation and literally fall to their knees to plead for His hand of mercy was amazing! I hope that I never forget the ways I got to see God move through His people here in Bolivia.

Though I like to think that my faith is strong, I know that I was at my own limit as to how much I could handle when we boarded the plane to Kansas. I found space to rest in Kansas but, Kansas was not home. And as much as I loved seeing family and took advantage of the time to recuperate I felt my heart aching to be home.

I had not realized how much Bolivia had become home.

We got back on Saturday morning and having been here for a few days I can testify that things are much calmer and routine than when we left. We live in Santa Cruz, Bolivia so to be clear I am only able to speak to life here in this city. (and what I see on TV and Social media) Life here seems to be normal. I never thought I would be so thankful for normalcy.

The biggest news (which in my opinion is Fantastic) is that (Macho) Camacho and Pumari have decided to run for President and Vice President! You may recall these are the two brave guys who stepped up to bring about the change here in Bolivia in a peaceful and God guided way. Elections are said to be scheduled for April, and most people I know are praying for these two men to bring it home!


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