Ant War Update

I feel it only right to give you an update on the War on Ants. Thanks to so many great responses I seem to be winning the war at the moment. Based upon your suggestions I went out and bought some cinnamon. I got sticks and powder, because you were not super specific on how to distribute the cinnamon. I sprinkled my home with cinnamon in the corners, on the counter I put some cinnamon sticks and some powder in a spoon rest, and on top of my fridge I put more. The bathroom and the sink area also got a dose of cinnamon, and at the moment it seems to be doing a pretty decent job of keeping the pesky little buggers at bay!  So, while I see an occasional hold out the situation is on the mend!  Thank you blog readers for all your suggestions and for making my home smell like a coffee shop at Christmas.


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