To God Be The Glory

Last night as I listened to the fireworks being set off in protest of a dictatorship here in Bolivia I never dreamed that tonight's fireworks would be going off in celebration of that fallen dictator! I laid in bed for way too many hours last night unable to stop scrolling through post after post of terrible tragic news taking place throughout Bolivia.

Buses full of students who were going to La Paz to protest peacefully were ambushed in route and the things they endured are too horrible to recount. People were building and setting off molotov cocktails, lighting cars, buses and buildings on fire. This morning as the rain poured down in Santa Cruz the gloomy weather added to the feel of sadness that hung in the air. Even the news that the OAS had finally ruled that there had been without a doubt fraudulent behavior in the handling of the General Election on Oct. 20th was not good enough news to brighten the day. We traveled slowly around road blocks through abandoned streets, a city that is normally bustling with life was like a ghost town.

We went to the house of some friends to escape the heaviness and spend some quality time together as a family before our scheduled departure. But, there is no escaping from the news here. The big screen tv was on, with news reports all day long. We did good to ignore it for sometime, taking note of the bigger moves within the country, like military doing fly overs areas where there were ambushes happening, and some government officials were  starting to resign our hopes began to rise. It was evident that something big was happening. Camacho was making his way through the crowded dangerous streets of La Paz flanked on all sides by other civil leaders and police. They made their way slowly across the city to the home of Evo to deliver the letter of resignation for him to sign that Camacho has been trying to deliver for a week. Not surprisingly no one was home. Did they give up? No they headed to The Palacio on foot. As they arrived it seemed as if they had done all that for nothing as the gates were large and shut tight. But then amazingly the gates opened and Camacho and two other civil servants went inside. There they placed the Bolivian flag on the floor and on top of it an open Bible and the letter of resignation written for Evo Morales to sign.

From this moment on things started speeding up! All of the sudden Camacho and crew were headed back through the streets of La Paz. Meanwhile Evo and his gang were doing their best to escape. But as it turned out no countries were granting his plane permission to enter their airspace! His plane was grounded in the middle of nowhere.

Soon he was on the news renouncing his presidency followed by the Vice President. The house erupted with cheers of excitement and disbelief! 

We quickly gathered up our things and headed to the streets to celebrate and head home. Santa Cruz was no longer devoid of life. As you might imagine the streets were filling with people coming out to celebrate the day we have been praying for, the end of false democracy and the beginning of a new era for Bolivia! 

We celebrate tonight's victory, but this fight is far from over. Even as I type more violence is breaking out in various parts of the country. And while we have all heard Evo Morales state his resignation it is not official yet. There are many steps still yet to take in the march to a new Bolivia. We must remain on our knees and stay vigilant. 

This has been and continues to be far more than a political fight for power. This my friends is Spiritual Warfare. And like in the time of Judges God has raised up some awesome and wise men like Camacho who are boldly facing giants on their knees Bible in hand. They along with the believers in Bolivia have led a country not for their own selfish gain nor out of obligation but out of a sense of calling. They have called for repentance and asked God for forgiveness and favor, and friends I am here to tell you that God has heard the cry of His people here. It is by God's grace and mercy that mountains have been moved, hearts have been changed and governments have been overthrown with what has for the most part been a very peaceful protest against dictatorship and fraud. The battle is raging on, and those on the losing side will not go peacefully into the night, so we continue to pray for God to finish what He has started here. And I pray that those who have been witness to all the good God has done here will not quickly forget. To God be the Glory forever and ever amen! 



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