God Remains

There are somedays that change history forever. For Bolivia today will surely go down in history as a day to remember. Just 2 days ago the people in favor of democracy gave the sitting President, Evo Morales and his government officials 48 hours to leave office. Tonight at 7pm their time is up.

No one knows for certain what will happen at 7:01. Will Bolivia finally be free from their dictatorship disguised as democracy or will their be a governmental takeover? I am praying that Evo and his people will surrender and Bolivia will see God at work answering the prayers of the people and they will give Him all the glory, honor and praise, as we know that it is only God who could bring about that change. But God doesn't always act in the ways we expect.

So, we are left asking, what if Evo doesn't step down? Where is God? Let me tell you, God is still God. And God is still at work. In these 13 days of Bolivians protesting I have again and again witnessed God here at work in the hearts and minds of the people. The streets have been filled with people on their knees and with arms raised and hands joined in prayer and praise. God has been at work here long before the problems reached a boiling point. As believers gathered together in prayer and worship on behalf of their nation before this mess, and now that the country has it's heart focused on God I would say that God is clearly at work in the midst of the turmoil. See, God is still God regardless of who is in the seat of power here in Bolivia. God is still God regardless of the outcome and God is still God when things calm down and normalcy returns.

The question we need to be asking today is...Are we going to allow God to be God in the good times as well as the bad? Are we going to allow Him the throne of our heart when we don't need rescuing? Because, God is God He deserves and desires to be our King, but He is not a dictator, He will not force us to pick up our cross and follow Him. We as individuals, as a nation must decide to give Him the place of honor in our lives daily.

If God is God, then He is the God in the joy and the sorrow. In the big moments that change history forever, but in the day to day as well. After today Bolivia will never be the same and for that I give God the glory due His name.


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