
Our drive to ViruViru International Airport on Nov. 12th went better than we expected. Sure, there were still roadblocks to navigate our way around, but call it lucky timing or an odd answer to prayer (I am going with the latter) we ended up on the tail end of a funeral procession along the main route to the airport. And as you might expect the people at the blockades were much more inclined to let the bus with the casket through than your average Joe. We were stopped a few times and were required to show our airline tickets, passports and luggage, but overall the trip to the airport was less bumpy than we had mentally planned for. What no one could have planned for was, that mere moments after making our way past security and customs I would look up to see Jeanine Anez being recognized on national television as the Interim President. No sooner had I begun to wrap my mind around that big new flash than my phone began lighting up with messages from my school let...