Time, it's a funny thing

It is a funny thing, time. How it can seem so slow and so fast all in the same moment. As I sit here right now I can hardly comprehend that we have been in Bolivia since June (four months having passed), it seems like we have lived here for years and for days. I cannot seem to wrap my mind around the fact that in 48hrs my husband whom I have not seen in 4 months will be arriving and we will be a family reunited. So much has taken place since we were together and the idea of being together again the 3 of us while exciting and happy is also overwhelming. Sure it will be fantastic to have our family back together, no one would deny that, but these four months apart have been packed full of change, adjustment, growth and transitions and so adding yet another big change is, well, challenging.
I say all this because I myself am still processing, and I process best when I write. I am also trying to help Miss. K prepare for yet another big change, and so I feel as though I have been slowly working through what being together again means, so that I can do my best to help us all adjust. Some of you have spent a decent amount of time away from loved ones, because of having a jobs or military careers that have kept you apart for extended amounts of time, but many of you have not dealt with being a family separated by thousands of mile for a length of time so maybe you can only imagine the joy of being reunited.
For sure there will be joy. But we are going to have to adjust to life with 3 opinions, 3 schedules, 3 sets of preferences and habits. I remember when Freddy and I first got married, it was a dream come true to finally be doing life together, but it was also a reality check that now every decision we made affected the other. That is kinda where we are now. Getting used to each other again. But this time there is more at play because we have all changed a lot since our time  together. Miss. K and I now have a pretty good grasp on the language and the culture of Bolivia, we know how we like things, we are used to our schedule. We have become braver and perhaps more assured in ourselves. Miss. K is markedly older, not just in years, but she has stronger opinions and emotions. I have a new career that I love more than I imagined I could. We now know the ins and outs of life with Freddy's family on our own terms, not as guests but as family. And I am certain that Freddy has had circumstances that have caused him growth, joy and pain that we know little about.
So, yes we are excited as can be to be a family of 3 once again. But we will be operating with large heapings of grace for each other and ourselves as we get acquainted not with who we were, but with who we are now that time has passed.


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